FRANC-XT(TM) is a specialized finite element-based fracture mechanics program. It allows modeling of arbitrary geometry and multiple crack initiation sites. The program has the unique capability of automatically regenerating the finite element mesh for each step of crack propagation. This allows the program to perform multiple steps of crack growth, without user intervention. Multiple techniques are available for calculating stress intensity factors, and the user is given a choice of different fatigue models (Paris, Forman-Newman-deKoning). Complete pre- and post-processing is available through a graphical user interface.

Two-way translators exist for interfacing with ANSYS®, COSMOS/M®, PATRAN®, and BLADE(TM).

Mark Redding

Mgr., Software Engineerin
Stress Technology Inc.
1800 BHTL Road
Rochester, NY 14623
716-272-7201 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: